Christ Kingdom Orphanage is an organization set up to reflect God’s heart by caring and improving the lives of orphans in Nigeria. We recognize that every child is important and that God is calling us to help the most vulnerable of these. We provide loving care for orphans and pray they will all have a family of their own one day.
Join us to advocate on behalf of orphaned and vulnerable children
Your contributions ensure a brightery future for the children .
You can equip, inspire, and mobilize individuals and like-minded groups
Giving time and nourishment to children in need..
Children need families—not orphanages.
Every money you raise helps support a child for one month.
Every money you raise helps support a child for one month..
Embrace orphan care as the responsibility of every person: Not everyone can or should adopt, but everyone can care for children.
Providing immediate relief for children is important, but focusing on long term solutions will advance the welfare of children throughout their lifespan.
Research shows that a child thrives in a permanent family which lasts throughout the life-span.
The overall goal is to strengthen the capacity of families to protect and care for orphans and vulnerable children .
Help promote family reconciliation and reunification whenever it is in the best interest of the child.
Helping children find parents is also the goal of both reunification efforts and domestic adoption. .
The visit of the American Consoler to Christ Kingdom Orphanage in view to international adoption matters.
© 2023 Christ Kingdom Orphanage . All Rights Reserved